García-Perrote, Ignacio; Mercader Uguina, Jesús R. (dir.). La regulación del mercado laboral. Valladolid: Lex Nova, 2012.

  • Daniel Pérez del Prado Carlos III University of Madrid


The Labour Market Reform 2012 is one of our latest books and it has been extremely well-received by by experts and general readers alike. This research, directed by professors Ignacio García-Perrote and Jesús R. Mercader, analyzes the different areas targeted by the recent labour market reform. An important group of researchers who come from our group, “Labour Law, Economic Changes and New Society”, took part in this work, focusing their analysis on the main instruments that Royal Decree-Law 3/2012 uses to resolve the main rigidities of the Spanish labour market. The result is a complete guide on the important changes that this new rule incorporates into the Spanish legal system, analyzed from a multidisciplinary point of view.


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How to Cite
Pérez del Prado, D. (2012). García-Perrote, Ignacio; Mercader Uguina, Jesús R. (dir.). La regulación del mercado laboral. Valladolid: Lex Nova, 2012. Spanish Labour Law and Employment Relations Journal, 1(1-2), 88. Retrieved from
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