The sharing economy: the emerging debate in Spain

  • Borja Suárez Corujo Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: sharing economy, employee, employmen contract, social security


Focusing attention on work-on-demand via apps, this article deals with the consequences of the slow emergence of the so-called sharing economy in Spain. As far as the labour field is concerned, it examines the advantages and risks that this new type of service provision (work?) entails and how Spanish law treats it as a previous step to reflect on the ability of the (labour) current regulation to secure ‘collaborators’ decent working conditions. By extension, it also analyzes the impact that these
developing activities could have on the Social Security system, in terms of protection (or lack of it) and financial condition.


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How to Cite
Suárez Corujo, B. (2017). The sharing economy: the emerging debate in Spain. Spanish Labour Law and Employment Relations Journal, 6(1-2), 30-41.