
presupposti filosofici e implicazioni giuridiche

  • Laura Palazzani
Keywords: gender, sexual identity, sexual orientation, body, sexuality


This paper analyzes the meanings of the term “gender” and examines gender-theory, highlighting its philosophical and conceptual implications, especially in Law. In particular, it emphasyzes how the acceptance of gener-theory leads to aslippery slope: acepting its premises means beleiving taht every individual can choose their gender identity, regardless ot their sexual bodily properties. It also means beleiving that any sexual orientation is as good as any other (by equating heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality) Gender-theory leads to sexual “neutrality”, and breaks sexual dualism, opening to “pansexualism” or sexual “polimorphism” instead. Finally, the struggle for the abolition of the boundaries between the natural and the anti-natural is the opening to a free sexual choice politics. The author critizices such drift providing some rational considerations and arguments.


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How to Cite
Palazzani, L. (2012). Gender: presupposti filosofici e implicazioni giuridiche. CUADERNOS KÓRE, 1(4), 30-58. Retrieved from