Las mujeres como transmisoras de la ideología falangista

  • Soraya Gahete Muñoz
Keywords: Sección Femenina, francoism, education, manual


At a historical moment, as it was General Francisco Franco´s dictatorship, female and male models were clearly defined, as well as their field of action. Women had to return to a private space, home, as they were not allowed to do any public activity. However, a falangist women group took up this space. They were in charge of the transmission of a very definitive feminism model that the rest of Spanish women and girls should follow. At the same time, these falangist women were responsible for the spreading of falangist ideology.


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How to Cite
Gahete Muñoz, S. (2014). Las mujeres como transmisoras de la ideología falangista. CUADERNOS KÓRE, (8), 17-43. Retrieved from
Mujeres activistas: poder e ideologías