Hombres y mujeres en los cuidados

viejos y nuevos modelos para la igualdad

  • José María Muñoz Terrón
  • María Teresa Martín Palomo
Keywords: Care, Gender equity, Shared responsibility, Feminist politics


Opinion polls show an increasing adherence of the Spanish population –both male and female– to gender equity. Such statements contrast with the persistent unequal distribution of carework between women and men in the domestic-familiar sphere. The article offers an analysis of the impact of different models of care provision on gender equality and establishes a dialogue with Nancy Fraser's approaches based on the findings of an ethnographic research developed in Andalusia. The construction of a new social order where all the people participate in the paid and unpaid work (care), “shared responsibility” at the micro level and "social care" at the macro level are required for a full and equal involvement of men in care.


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How to Cite
Muñoz Terrón, J. M., & Martín Palomo, M. T. (2014). Hombres y mujeres en los cuidados: viejos y nuevos modelos para la igualdad. CUADERNOS KÓRE, (8), 149-178. Retrieved from https://e-revistas.uc3m.es/index.php/CK/article/view/2038
Perspectivas sobre el empoderamiento femenino en el s. XXI