Mujeres liberadas de la tutela masculina

de solteras y viudas a fines de la Edad Media

  • Silvia María Pérez González Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla
Keywords: Middle Ages, Medieval Woman, Widow, Single Woman, Concubinage, Medieval Economy


Women Liberated from Masculine Guardianship: Single women and Widows at the end of Middle Ages. The Middle Ages are a historical period that involves a lot of commonplaces. These are more numerous in the case of medieval women due to several factors: the ignorance of the feminine sector in the traditional historiography; women's role in a world dominated by men; and the women's position in other periods which are related in error to the Middle Ages. Our study will focus on two groups which demonstrate the groundlessness of some false images. We refer to widows and single women, who had to plan their lives without the imposition of masculine authority due to several circumstances. In this way, they lived without the omnipresence of a man who took every vital decision for them. 


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How to Cite
Pérez González, S. M. (2010). Mujeres liberadas de la tutela masculina: de solteras y viudas a fines de la Edad Media. CUADERNOS KÓRE, 1(2), 31-54. Retrieved from