Communicative ecology in coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 times. From momentun catastrophicum to virus veritas

  • Carmen Peñafiel-Saiz Departamento de Periodismo, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación, Universidad del País Vasco, España
  • Milagros Ronco-López Departamento de Periodismo, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación, Universidad del País Vasco, España
  • Aitor Castañeda-Zumeta Departamento de Periodismo, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación, Universidad del País Vasco, España
Keywords: communication, coronavirus, COVID-19, emergency communication, fake news, journalism, SARS-CoV-2, WHO


The coronavirus disease has put in check the stability of institutions and health organizations, as well as the veracity of such institutions and press. We can identify pandemic and infodemic (WHO) at the same time. This article pretends to describe the panorama of the aforementioned situation, putting attention to the journalistic principles, the Spanish informative environment, and the informative work of the World Health Organization. We conducted this research using concrete case studies and bibliometrics. We conclude that it is necessary to return to the citizen's need for receiving accurate and verified information. Public institutions and science shall work together to avoid infodemic, informative saturation, and fake news.


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How to Cite
Peñafiel-Saiz, C., Ronco-López, M., & Castañeda-Zumeta, A. (2020). Communicative ecology in coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 times. From momentun catastrophicum to virus veritas. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 328-338.