Coalitions Against Change. The (Real) Politics of Labor Market Reform in Spain

  • Kenneth A. Dubin Carlos III University of Madrid
Keywords: social partners, labor market institutions, authoritarian legacies, Spain, labor market reform, social dialogue


Conventional wisdom attributes the persistence of labor market rigidities in Spain to the power of insiders, typically identified as unions and permanent workers whose interests they supposedly represent. In this article, I take issue with this definition of the insiders, showing that in fact the robustness of existing labor market institutions in the face of long-standing problems of precariousness and unemployment can only be explained if the definition of “insiders” is expanded to include a far larger group of cross-class actors.


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How to Cite
Dubin, K. A. (2012). Coalitions Against Change. The (Real) Politics of Labor Market Reform in Spain. Spanish Labour Law and Employment Relations Journal, 1(1-2), 47-63. Retrieved from