Medición y reglas de los mercados mundiales de contratación pública

  • Pablo Zapatero Miguel Carlos III University of Madrid
  • Marc Petz Carlos III University of Madrid
Palabras clave: partenariados público-privados, comercio mundial, formación de mercados, contratación pública, GPA


The revised Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) illustrates the long-term trans­formation in the way governments currently deliver public policies: steering, not rowing. Under a re­gulatory paradigm based on improving efficiency and best value for money, the 51 GPA Parties have reformed the previous GPA framework and expanded global procurement markets in accordance. Howe­ver, the figures of this structural policy trend have not yet been properly mapped. This research estima­tes on basis of the available data that the GPA parties cover round 26% (US$2,140bn) of their GGCE (US$8,220bn), whereby the global GPA coverage could potentially be expanded substantially (compare to global GGCE: US$13,100bn) on the long term.


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Consultas del resumen: 354
PDF (English) : 442
Cómo citar
Zapatero Miguel, P., & Petz, M. (2018). Medición y reglas de los mercados mundiales de contratación pública. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 10(2), 752-767.