Notas breves sobre la sentencia del TJUE (Sala Cuarta) de 25 febrero 2010 (Car Trim: asunto C-381/08): los contratos de compraventa y los contratos de prestación de servicios en el Reglamento 44/2001

  • María Pilar Canedo Arrillaga
Keywords: contract of sale of goods, contract of supply, contracts involving carriage of goods


The ECJ Judgement Car Trim (C-381/08) of May 25, 2010, makes an analysis of the applicability of art. 5.1 R. 44, and focuses especially on the contract of sale of goods and provision of services. In order to define those concepts the Court refers to European and international rules.
The Judgement deals also with the determination of the place of performance of the obligation in question in contracts of sale involving carriage of goods. The Court avoids the application of conflict of law rules of the court seised for the case and also the material rules that could be determined by the application of the aforementioned system.


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How to Cite
Canedo Arrillaga, M. P. (1). Notas breves sobre la sentencia del TJUE (Sala Cuarta) de 25 febrero 2010 (Car Trim: asunto C-381/08): los contratos de compraventa y los contratos de prestación de servicios en el Reglamento 44/2001. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 3(1), 263-269. Retrieved from