The general principles of the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods

  • Jorge Oviedo Albán
Keywords: international sale of goods, principles, interpretation, integration


In this paper the author analyses Article 7 (2) of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. This regulation cites the general principles on which it is founded as a law of integration and interpretation of the Convention. The paper investigates some of the principles established by the doctrine such as the following: acting in good faith; interpreting the real intention and logical nature of contracts; estoppel theory; the freedom to choose the content and form of the contract, and the mitigation of damages. It also demonstrates the scope of previous court rulings.


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How to Cite
Oviedo Albán, J. (2012). The general principles of the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 4(1), 165-179. Retrieved from