Minors in the European Union. Contextualisation and analysis of legal difficulties in asylum applications

  • Armando Alvares García Júnior Universidad Internacional de La Rioja; Universidade Bandeirantes de Sāo Paulo
Keywords: asylum, minors, application for international protection


With the current migration and refugee crisis, jurists, political scientists and competent authorities in the European Union are increasingly faced with the issue of the arrival of minors in need of international protection. This research focuses on the diverse and interconnected practical difficulties encountered in the course of the process concerning the granting of such protection: «invisibility» of the minor, right to be heard, preservation of the family unit, international duty of non-refoulement, indivi­dual risk assessment in terms of «well-founded fear» and objective risk.


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How to Cite
Alvares García Júnior, A. (2019). Minors in the European Union. Contextualisation and analysis of legal difficulties in asylum applications. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 11(1), 63-81. https://doi.org/10.20318/cdt.2019.4614