The international protection of the trade name through article 8 of the Paris Convention: national and comparative experiences

  • Antonio Casado Navarro Universidad de Córdoba
Keywords: distinctive signs, trade name, international protection, Paris Convention


The art. 8 CUP has generated many doubts and controversies since its origins. This work pursues to shed light on its interpretation. To this end, some relevant issues are analyzed. Among these stand out the following: first, the scope of each of the statements included in the rule; secondly, the pro­tection that can receive the Spanish trade name in some countries around us; and, finally, the protection provided by the Spanish legal system to the unionist trade name. The analysis ends with the formulation of some conclusions of interest about the application of art. 8 CUP in our order, taking as reference some solutions followed in Comparative law.


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How to Cite
Casado Navarro, A. (2019). The international protection of the trade name through article 8 of the Paris Convention: national and comparative experiences. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 11(1), 139-170.