International child abduction and psychiatric illness of the non-abducting parent. Comment on the judgment of the Spanish Court of Appeal of les Illes Balears (Section IV) number 37/2018 of 14 th June

  • María González Marimón Universitat de València
Keywords: international child abduction, Brussels II bis Regulation, 1980 Hague Convention, exceptions to the return of the minor, article 13 b exception


International child abduction to Spain of two minors residing in United Kingdom under the Brussels II Regulation and the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduc­tion of 1980. Discussion about if the psychiatric illness of the mother is considered as a risk of physical or psychological harm in case of return of the minors, in terms of the article 13 b return exception of the 1980 Hague Convention.


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How to Cite
González Marimón, M. (2019). International child abduction and psychiatric illness of the non-abducting parent. Comment on the judgment of the Spanish Court of Appeal of les Illes Balears (Section IV) number 37/2018 of 14 th June. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 11(1), 764-772.