International jurisdiction of the Spanish Courts to grant recognition of a foreign arbitral award and other procedural related matters

Keywords: recognition of foreign arbitral award, probative value of the award, international juris­diction on exequátur, fault rectification of the claim, translation of documents


Based on the recent decision of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid of April 18, 2018, on the recognition of a foreign arbitral award, the problems of the probative value of the awards as foreign private documents, the international jurisdiction of the Spanish Courts to know about its exe­quatur and the validity of the fault rectification of the demand on exequatur are analysed. A proposal on the translation of the documents that must be attached to the claim is also made.


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How to Cite
Iriarte Ángel, J. L. (2019). International jurisdiction of the Spanish Courts to grant recognition of a foreign arbitral award and other procedural related matters. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 11(1), 779-785.