The problem derived from recognizing the effects of gestation contract subrogated from the perspective of labor law and social security

  • David Tomás Mataix
Keywords: surrogate motherhood, nullity, social security, social rights, children´s interest


The surrogate motherhood contract is declared invalid in Spain because it is clearly con­trary to the most essential principles of our legal system, this being expressed by the Law 14/2016, 26th of May. However, a series of effects derive from the celebration in the field of Labor and Social Security Law, arising from the creation of a new family reality resulting from the birth of a minor.


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How to Cite
Tomás Mataix, D. (2019). The problem derived from recognizing the effects of gestation contract subrogated from the perspective of labor law and social security. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 11(2), 348-359.