The superior interest of the child as a question of a fund

  • Antonio Merchán Murillo Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Keywords: Regulation 2201/2003, return the children, effective judicial protection, children’s interests


The CJUE judgement of 19 September 2018, Hampshire County Council v C.E., N.E., In Joined Cases C-325/18 PPU and C-375/18 PPU, responds to questions for a preliminary ruling, which have as a fundamental issue the protection of the child’s interests, that prevails in front of any subject, in this case in front of the local authority responsible for the protection of children, of the United Kingdom. In this case, the CJEU is in favor of a court of a Member State being able to take preventive measures against the public body of another Member State, so that it cannot continue or initiate an adoption procedure.


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How to Cite
Merchán Murillo, A. (2020). The superior interest of the child as a question of a fund. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 12(1), 635-644.