In search of the golden bank fleece: does the US deregulation wave break the european financial regulation dam?

  • Carlos J. Moreiro González Carlos III University
Keywords: financial regulation, financial stabilty, Basel III Agreement, banking desregulation, banking business, unconventional measures


Two different legal regimes are being modelled up within the two main banking markets in the world: the deregulatory trends driven by the US administration and those regulatory policies enacted by the EU. Measures taken up to foster both liquidity and solvency, at an international level, the two cornerstones for the functioning and stability of the credit institutions are being analyzed throughout this geographical and unpeaceful two-folded legal framework. The study finalize with the confrontation between the two regional systems focusing the stability of the financial sector.


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How to Cite
Moreiro González, C. J. (2020). In search of the golden bank fleece: does the US deregulation wave break the european financial regulation dam?. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 12(2), 10-29.