Cross border claims against third parties without a contract with the claimant and package travels; judgment of the CJEU, 26 march 2020, Libuše Králová vs. Primera Air Scandinavia A/S (C-215/18): please mind the gap between the passenger and the air company!

  • Anna María Ruiz Martín Abogada del ICAM
Keywords: matters relating to a contract, contract, cross-border claims, compensation, place of performance, consumers, air carriage, passengers, package travel, characterization, restrictive interpretation, locus standi (passive).


In the case analysed, the Judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), –C-215/08–the CJEU highlights, once again, the scope of application and principles that rule the different fora established in the Brussels Regulation/Brussels I bis Regulation related to consumers protection and contractual obligations, when the claimant is a passenger of an operating airline. By means of these fora, passengers which have been affected for an infringment committed by the air com­pany that is usually based on a different Member State, might bring cross border actions so as to seek for compensation; however, the seize of a proper forum in these cases, it will depend on the characterization of the claim. In this case, the passenger did not celebrate the contract with the air company, but with a Travel Agency located on her same Member State (Czech Republic). With regard to the features of this case, the ECJ has also to take into consideration the Directive 90/314/CEE, on Package travel and Regulation (EC) nº 261/2004, on compensation and assistance to passengers.


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How to Cite
Ruiz Martín, A. M. (2020). Cross border claims against third parties without a contract with the claimant and package travels; judgment of the CJEU, 26 march 2020, Libuše Králová vs. Primera Air Scandinavia A/S (C-215/18): please mind the gap between the passenger and the air company!. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 12(2), 724-739.