International legal regulation of financial markets

Keywords: financialization, Economy, Financial Law, financial markets, International Financial Architecture, New Lex Mercatoria, Lex Financiera International, Financial Organizations, G-20, BIS, FSB, FM


The collapse of the Bretton Woods System in the early 1970s led to the liberalization of finance and the deregulation of financial markets by most developed countries. Something that immediately brought with it, given the high volatility and risk of these markets, the emergence of successive economic crises, the most important being that which occurred in 2008. The latter, caused by subprime mortgages in the US and which quickly spread to all countries on the planet, given the lack of regulation and control over the emerging international financial system, endangered the very stability and credibility of the world economic system. In this context, it is more than necessary to consider, this being the object of this work, what has been, from then until now, the response by Law to the profound legal, social and economic changes, derived from the domain of finance over global society as a whole.



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How to Cite
Hernández Rodríguez, A. (2022). International legal regulation of financial markets. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 14(2), 533-554.