Comentario a la sentencia de la Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo del Tribunal Supremo, de 19 de junio 2008, sobre denegación de la concesión de la nacionalidad española por poligamia
This article deals with the courts and administrative Spanish authorities reaction before the case of foreign individuals who, being legally married to several women in his countries of origin, request the acquisition of the Spanish nationality. Especially, Article 22 of the Spanish Civil Code demands that the applicant for the Spanish nationality presents a sufficient level of integration in the Spanish society. In some cases, the Spanish courts have denied the access to the Spanish nationality because of the polygamous state of the applicant. Nevertheless, in other cases, the polygamous applicants have acquired the Spanish nationality. The judgment of the Spanish Supreme Court (Sala de lo Contencioso- administrativo) of June 19, 2008, offers the possibility of penetrating on this exciting topic.