¿Reivindicar la igualdad o las diferencias?

Aportaciones del pragmatismo de Dewey al debate feminista

  • Marta Vaamonde
Keywords: Formal rationality, universality, identity, difference, pluralism, empirical reflection, function, community


This article presents the debate between postuniversalist feminism of Seyla Benhabib and Iris Young's postmodern feminism. They are critical of the ideal of freedom of contract theory and propose social dialogue as process of legitimation, although they see it differently. According to Benhabib, the social dialogue expresses a common understanding. For Young, the universal desire excludes plurality. According to Dewey, reflection arises in the context of participatory interactions of individuals. Thus, the community doesn't express a common reason, but the thoughtful cooperation of different individuals. The feminism demand seeks the cooperation between men and women by analyzing the situational factors on whose interactions they depend.


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How to Cite
Vaamonde, M. (2012). ¿Reivindicar la igualdad o las diferencias? Aportaciones del pragmatismo de Dewey al debate feminista. CUADERNOS KÓRE, 1(4), 149-165. Retrieved from https://e-revistas.uc3m.es/index.php/CK/article/view/1499