La mujer y las Escuelas de Artes y Oficios en la España de la Restauración

  • María Luisa Rico
Keywords: 20th century, Spain, Restoration, modernization, women, Schools of Arts and Trades


The present paper studies the feminine vocational training in the Schools of Arts and Trades as a form of social recovery of the women during the period of the Spanish Restoration. The particularities of the modernization and of the industrialization of the first third of the 20th century opened new labor spaces that up to this moment had been closed to the feminine group. In this context, the woman of middle class formed a part of the student body of the “Schools of Arts and Trades”. She was aroused of that the academic qualification in the professional studies was going to modify the political and socio-economic relations imposed by the nineteenth-century speech "angel of the home".


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How to Cite
Rico, M. L. (2012). La mujer y las Escuelas de Artes y Oficios en la España de la Restauración. CUADERNOS KÓRE, (6), 83-113. Retrieved from