Incidencia del empoderamiento de la mujer en los ámbitos público y privado en la Argentina

  • María Carolina Mauad
  • María Lucila Mauad
Keywords: Androcentrism, visibilization, empowerment, socialism, equality of opportunities


The paper presents the ongoing struggle of the Argentinean women and how was achieved her positioning in regard to women's rights, the equality of opportunities and the other aspects of social dynamics through the joints of the nineteenth and twentieth century and those spaces that have always been in man's power or under his supervision.


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How to Cite
Mauad, M. C., & Mauad, M. L. (2014). Incidencia del empoderamiento de la mujer en los ámbitos público y privado en la Argentina. CUADERNOS KÓRE, (8), 44-70. Retrieved from
Mujeres activistas: poder e ideologías