Thinking about the fundamental rights in the new Artificial Intelligence Act

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence Act, fundamental rights, high risk AI systems


The Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) has been approved in March 2024 and this article addresses some parts of this Act in relation to the fundamental rights, that the society is concerned with. It starts by looking at some of the critical aspects of the first version of this Act and then moves on to zoom in this Act’s vision of fundamental rights and argues that the fundamental rights are considered and articulated through different rights situated within a variety of contexts (labour relationships, consumer protection, etc.). However, the Act does not make explicit or sufficient reference to some fundamental rights which could be substantially impacted by AI: the article suggests some of the ways to improve this vision and increase the benefits of AI for citizens and their rights.


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How to Cite
Laukyte, M. (2024). Thinking about the fundamental rights in the new Artificial Intelligence Act. DERECHOS Y LIBERTADES: Revista De Filosofía Del Derecho Y Derechos Humanos, (51), 151-175.
Monográfico “Derechos e Inteligencia Artificial