The informal urbanization during the Franco’s regime: The slums crisis in Madrid (1950-1960)

  • Francisco Andrés Burbano Trimiño Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Informal urbanization, slums, chabolismo, Francoism, Pozo del Tío Raimundo, Madrid


Our study covers the emergence of “chabolismo” in the city of Madrid in the 50’s decade, as well as the intervention and management of the authorities on this reality during the Francoist dictatorship. Through the study of the case of Pozo del Tío Raimundo, a shanty town in the south of the city, we aim to show that the irregular constructions built around the outskirts of the city were not spontaneous settlements but were part of a model of informal urbanisation. The approach to a concrete space lets us link the characteristics provided by the context of the Francoist dictatorship to the model of informal urbanisation in Madrid, considering not only the dictatorship’s laws, but also the actions taken on a specific district.


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How to Cite
Burbano Trimiño, F. A. (2020). The informal urbanization during the Franco’s regime: The slums crisis in Madrid (1950-1960). Hispania Nova, (18), 301-343.