Refuge, evacuation, exile, return. Spain and the “refugee issue” in Inter-war Europe

Keywords: displacement, refugees, exiles, Spanish Civil War/postwar, Europe XXth century


This article uses the tools of comparative history to address an important aspect of the Spanish Civil War: the fact that it generated waves of both internally displaced persons and cross-border refugees. Situating the conflict within the context of inter-war Europe, and particularly historical processes of deportation, forced migration, and exile, it analyses the challenges that the crisis of the war and subsequent post-war period in Spain introduced in the realm of humanitarian protection for displaced populations, and how existing international policies largely failed to protect those displaced by the conflict.


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How to Cite
Rodrigo, J., & Alegre Lorenz, D. (2022). Refuge, evacuation, exile, return. Spain and the “refugee issue” in Inter-war Europe. Hispania Nova, (21), 138-179.

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