Gender, Communism and Transnational Relations between the Sixties and the Eighties


Keywords: gender, women, communism, transnational relations, Spain, Latin America


This dossier is based on transnational history and gender history as perspectives of analysis which, when combined, offer new insights into the interpretation of the past. The experience of communist women in transnational initiatives is well known for the first half of the 20th century, but not for the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, when profound changes in international relations, communism and feminism took place. The articles in the dossier are focused on gender discourses and representations in the communist transnational community, and on the active participation of women in transnational networks established from Southern Europe and Latin America.


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Branciforte, Laura. El Socorro Rojo Internacional en España (1923-1939). Relatos de la solidaridad antifascista. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 2011.

Bush, Barbara y Purvis, June. “Introduction. Connecting Women’s Histories: the local and the global”. Women’s History Review, nº 25:4, 2016, 493-498.

De Haan, Francisca. “Continuing Cold War Paradigms in the Western Historiography of Transnational Women’s Organisations: The Case of the Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF)”, Women’s History Review, nº 19:4 (2010), 547-573.

Fürst, Juliane; Selden, Mark y Pons, Silvio. The Cambridge History of Communism: Volume 3: Endgames? Late Communism in Global Perspective, 1968 to the Present. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Ginard Féron, David. “’La madre de todos los camaradas’. Dolores Ibárruri como símbolo movilizador, de la Guerra Civil a la transición posfranquista”. Ayer, nº 90 (2013), 189-216.

Gradskova, Yulia. The Women’s International Democratic Federation, the Global South, and the Cold War. Londres y Nueva York: Routledge, 2020

Moghadam, Valentine. Globalizing Women. Transnational Feminist Networks. Londres: John Hopkins University Press, 2005.

Priestland, David. Bandera roja. Historia política y cultural del comunismo. Barcelona: Crítica, 2010.

Saunier, Pierre-Yves. La historia transnacional. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2013.

Valobra, Adriana y Yusta Rodrigo, Mercedes. Queridas Camaradas: Historias Iberoamericanas de Mujeres Comunistas. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila Editores, 2017.

Yusta Rodrigo, Mercedes. “La construcción de una cultura política femenina desde el antifascismo (1934-1950)”. En Feminismos y antifeminismos: culturas políticas e identidades de género en la España del siglo XX, coord. por Ana Aguado y Teresa María Ortega López, 253-282. Valencia: PUV, 2011.

How to Cite
Moreno Seco, M. (2024). Gender, Communism and Transnational Relations between the Sixties and the Eighties: Introduction. Hispania Nova, (1), 7-13.