The new legal framework of the thresholds of dismissals, following the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union, fifth chamber, of 13 may 2015, Case C-392/13

  • Jénnifer Juez Redondo
Keywords: workplace, collective redundancies, The European Court of Justice, Spanish labor Law


The application of the term “workplace” in Spanish labor law has been a very controversialissue over recent years in the legal field of collective redundancies. The determination ofthis concept acquires importance when establishing the parameters to be followed in order to establishthresholds for individual or collective dismissals. The ECJ has established a performance criterion withwhich member states must comply when developing their domestic legislation in order to clarify andunify criteria.


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How to Cite
Juez Redondo, J. (2015). The new legal framework of the thresholds of dismissals, following the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union, fifth chamber, of 13 may 2015, Case C-392/13. Spanish Labour Law and Employment Relations Journal, 4(1-2), 47-53. Retrieved from
Special Issue on Redundancy and Dismissal