Effects of Employment and Social Protection Reformsin Spain: a jurisprudential perspective

  • Eduardo López Ahumada University of Alcalá
Palabras clave: labour reforms, Spanish labor market, social jurisprudence, labour flexicurity, internal flexibility, external flexibility


This paper analyzes the consequences of the process of labor reforms on the Spanish labor market. Specifically, it is deepened in the interpretation of the social courts of the reforms related to employment and social protection. Therefore, the main legal measures during times of crisis are studied, which have introduced an important space to labour flexicurity. Highlighting the changes related to internal flexibility and external that have been interpreted and sometimes corrected by social jurisprudence.



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Cómo citar
López Ahumada, E. (2016). Effects of Employment and Social Protection Reformsin Spain: a jurisprudential perspective. SPANISH LABOUR LAW AND EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS JOURNAL, 5(1-2), 19-28. https://doi.org/10.20318/sllerj.2016.3309