Social rule – legal rule

  • Mauricio García Villegas Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá
Keywords: rule, legal sociology, legal theory, social regulation, social rule, legal rule, law and society


Although the distinction between rule as a legal mandate and rule as a social regulation is clear from an analytical point of view, that distinction is often difficult from a practical perspective. This article aims to explore these difficulties and it shows how they have to do with the fact that in social life three regulatory systems converge: the legal, the moral and the social systems. A specific sanction belongs to each of these systems: a strictly speaking sanction (fine, jail, etc.) to the legal rule; the fault to the moral rule and the shame to the social/cultural rule. However, in practice, strong connections among the three systems exist.


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How to Cite
García Villegas, M. (2014). Social rule – legal rule. EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (2), 133-138. Retrieved from
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