Chronicle of international labor jurisprudence july / december 2017
In the reference period, there are no new “open” or “pending” complaints before the Committee on Freedom of Association. Neither the report no. 383 (331st meeting, Geneva, October 26 - November 9, 2017) contains references to the Kingdom of Spain.
The Court of Justice of the Union has issued three resolutions that directly affect Spain: Elda Otero Ramos c. Galego de Saúde Service on the technical mechanism of accreditation of the circumstance that the execution of the functions inherent in the workplace presents a risk for breastfeeding; María Begoña Espacios Recio c. Public State Employment Service on the calculation of the basis for determining the duration of unemployment benefit for part-time workers; and Margarita Isabel Vega González c. Ministry of Finance and Public Sector of the Government of the Principality of Asturias regarding the refusal to recognize the situation of special services.
In the field of the ECHR, two resolutions have been issued in relation to Spain: N.D. and N.T. c. Spain in relation to the mechanism of expulsion of foreign immigrants collectively; and Mercedes Jiménez Ruiz c. Spain on recognition of widow’s pension after reconciliation after judicial separation.