The incidental recognition of an international adoption connected with the acquisition of Spanish nationality: practical aspects
The art.27 LAI operates when the registration of the adoption is applied for before the RCE. Other situations depend on the valid constitution of the foreign adoption, such as the acquisition of the Spanish nationality of origin by the adopted person, in those cases in which the adopter or adopters are Spanish, in accordance with art.19 Cc. Thus, according to arts.27 LAI and 19.1 Cc, the adopted person will not acquire the Spanish nationality of origin if have not complied with the requirements of art.26 LAI. In line with the RDGRN of 24th November 2017 (32nd), the issues raised by the incidental recognition of an international adoption linked to the acquisition of Spanish nationality will be addressed, as regards the requirements of art.26 .3 and 5 LAI.