Determination of international jurisdiction in matters relating to an application for compensation and compensation for damage resulting from the cancellation and delay of flights: Judgement of the Court, 7 November 2019, case C-213/18, A. Guaitoli and others v. Easyjet Airline co. Ltd.

Keywords: passengers transport by air. Jurisdiction among the States Parties and local jurisdiction. Montreal Convention


The judgment fix jurisdiction in an application for compensation and compensation for damage from the cancellation and delay of flights by assessing the jurisdiction in the light of art. 7.1 of Brussels I Regulation and in the light of art. 33 of Montreal Convention.


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How to Cite
Goñi Urriza, N. (2020). Determination of international jurisdiction in matters relating to an application for compensation and compensation for damage resulting from the cancellation and delay of flights: Judgement of the Court, 7 November 2019, case C-213/18, A. Guaitoli and others v. Easyjet Airline co. Ltd. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 12(2), 1030-1035.