Online accomodation booking platfoms, accumulation of obligations and its impact on the strategy of international litigation. Commentary to the ECJ Jugmentof 24 November 2020, c-59/19, wikingerhof vs. Booking

Keywords: online accomdation booking platform, non-contractual liability, damages, international litigaction, abuse of dominant position, Brussels I bis Regulation


The aim of this paper is to study the ECJ resolution of 24 November 2020. This case
shows very good the fine line between the contractual and non-contractual matter according to the Brussels I bis Regulation and the impact of such classification on the international litigation. The objective of this article is not study exhaustively arts. 7.1 and 7.2. On the contrary, we will try to outline some important considerations to organice a good strategy in an international litigation regardinf private enforcement having as a reference this ECJ resolution.


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How to Cite
Antón Juárez, I. (2021). Online accomodation booking platfoms, accumulation of obligations and its impact on the strategy of international litigation. Commentary to the ECJ Jugmentof 24 November 2020, c-59/19, wikingerhof vs. Booking. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 13(1), 714-724.