Goodbye arbitration justice? The promotion of the early dismissal of a claim as a symptom

  • Carlos Esplugues Mota Universitat de València
Keywords: early dismissal of claims, accelerated arbitration procedure, arbitrations’ efficiency, ICSID, UNCITRA


The early dismissal of the claim is fully accepted in investment arbitration and currently is also in the way to be accepted in international commercial arbitration. This option is not neutral, and generates all kinds of doubts and criticisms, as the extensive and inconclusive discussions held as regards it at the WGII of UNCITRAL manifests. The debate shows the tension between the quest for the maximum efficiency in the arbitration process and the safeguard of the right of the parties to fully enforce their rights and due process. As well as the issue of importing Anglo-Saxon procedural institutions into arbitration which may end up having a negative impact on some of the virtues that have accompanied the institution so far.


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How to Cite
Esplugues Mota, C. (2022). Goodbye arbitration justice? The promotion of the early dismissal of a claim as a symptom. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 14(1), 196-238.

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