In the return of a child transferred to a third State, the European rules of international judicial competence do not apply. Regarding the STJUE of March 24, 2021, case C-603/20, PPU, SS and MCP

Keywords: international child abduction, parental responsibility, international jurisdiction, habitual residence, third State


The territorial scope of Article 10 of Regulation (EC) 2201/2003 is limited to the abduction of a minor taking place in the context of the Member States of the Regulation, that is, the transfer of habitual residence or illegal retention is carried out between Member States. In the case where the transfer is made to a third State, Article 10 does not apply and, consequently, does it allow to maintain the competence of the authorities of the Member State where the minor resided sine die.


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How to Cite
Durán Ayago, A. (2022). In the return of a child transferred to a third State, the European rules of international judicial competence do not apply. Regarding the STJUE of March 24, 2021, case C-603/20, PPU, SS and MCP. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 14(1), 727-735.

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