Contractual performance by a third party governed by lex contractus and the effectiveness of avoidance action in insolvency proceedings
note to the Judgement of the Court of Justice of European Union, April 22 2021, C-73/20
Upon a request for a preliminary ruling on the articulation between Article 13 of the European Insolvency Regulation n° 1346/2000 and Article 12(1)(b) of Rome I Regulation, the Court of Justice of European Union has confirmed in a decision on April 22, 2021 that a payment made in perfor-mance of a contract by a third party is subjected to the law applicable to that contract and not to the law of the Member State opening the insolvency proceedings where the payment is challenged by an avoidance action. The decision raises some reflections on the correlation between the European Insolvency and Rome I Regulations as well as the effectiveness of avoidance action in insolvency proceedings.