Prohibition of ex novo adoption in Spain after kafala in the country of origin
Again, on doubts of interpretation [AAP Cádiz 1500/2020 and AAP Logroño 173/2021]
This contribution reports on the different understanding of the requirement of a prior proposal from the public entity in the case of an application for adoption in Spain of a Moroccan minor subject to foster care under a kafala constituted in Morocco. The application of the mandate of art. 19.4 LAI that prohibits the constitution of the adoption in Spain when the personal law of the minor does not contemplate this institution is relevant for the correct fitting of the discussed requirement of the previous proposal. Apart from the exceptions provided for in the law itself, adoption in Spain cannot be constituted in these cases.
Funding data
Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva
Grant numbers Proyecto PID2020-114611RB-I00