Valve vs UFC-Que Choisir

digital video games versus law

  • Óscar Ibáñez Vicente Universidad San Jorge (Zaragoza)
Keywords: Consumer Law, Private International Law, videogames, software, licensing


This study examines the legal nature of digital video games, a good that is the subject of potential consumer litigation and with a marked international character due to the current global market. It will be analysed in terms of their nature as intangible goods, consumer protection in the European Union and then, using the verdict resulting from the dispute between UFC, a French consumer association, and VALVE, owner of the Steam platform, the main aspects to which consumers are subject in their terms and conditions of use, with special emphasis on the resale of these video games, the competent courts in case of litigation, out-of-court solutions and applicable law in these contracts.


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How to Cite
Ibáñez Vicente, Óscar. (2022). Valve vs UFC-Que Choisir: digital video games versus law. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 14(1), 977-997.
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