Fishermen and control of their working time

A difficult challenge

  • María Isabel Ribes Moreno Universidad de Cádiz
Keywords: recording system of working time, fishing, health and safety, Directive 2003/88/EC


The employers’ general requirement to set up a system enabling the duration of time worked daily by each worker to be measured, represent a significant challenge in certain sectors. There are a major issue concerning monitoring working time on fishing vessels. Notwithstanding, the fishermen are also entitled to a limitation of its working time to guarantee safe and healthy working conditions. The truth is this professional group has been generally neglected by Law which has led to complex legal problems.


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How to Cite
Ribes Moreno, M. I. (2022). Fishermen and control of their working time: A difficult challenge. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 14(2), 770-789.

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