The lack of service of the certificate established in Article 53 of the Brussels I bis Regulation as a ground for refusal of enforcement

Keywords: First enforcement measure, Service of the certificate, Service of the document which instituted the proceedings, European Enforcement Order


Sought the enforcement in Spain of a default judgment granted in the Netherlands, the defendant invokes three grounds for its refusal: the lack of service of the certificate issued pursuant to article 53 of Brussels I Bis Regulation prior to the first enforcement measure; the lack of service of the judgment prior to its enforcement; and, the challenge of the judgment in the State of origin.



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How to Cite
Pérez Font, J. (2022). The lack of service of the certificate established in Article 53 of the Brussels I bis Regulation as a ground for refusal of enforcement. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 14(2), 1191-1198.