Corruption in international investments. Analysis of the legal effects of corruption in ICSID arbitration

  • Laura Aragonés Molina Universidad de Alcalá
Keywords: Corruption, investment arbitration, clean hands, ICSID, public international policy


Corruption is no longer a local problem but has taken on a transnational dimension. The intensification of international economic relations and the removal of barriers to trade and investment contribute to the economic and social development of states, but this development is undermined when corrupt practices are involved in the processes of formalising international investments. It is not surprising, therefore, that conflicts arise between the foreign investor and the host state at some point in the life of the investment and that they turn to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) as the most appropriate forum for resolving their disputes. In this paper, we analyse ICSID’s practice in cases in which one of the parties has alleged acts of corruption, with two essential objectives; a particular objective that consists of analysing the legal effects that these allegations can produce in the proceedings depending on who makes the allegation as well as the procedural difficulties that arise in these cases; and a general objective that transcends the particular case, which is to find out whether international arbitration can constitute an effective legal tool to dissuade investors and states from engaging in corrupt practices.


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How to Cite
Aragonés Molina, L. (2023). Corruption in international investments. Analysis of the legal effects of corruption in ICSID arbitration. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 15(1), 88-128.