The law applicable to the limitation period of the action in the international employment contract. Commentary on the judgment of the Supreme Court, Social Chamber of January 4, 2023

Keywords: conflicting autonomy of will in the international employment contract, law applicable to the limitation period of the action to claim the corresponding salary differences, the renvoi


The purpose of this work is the analysis of the sentence handed down by the Supreme Court of Social Affairs dated January 4, 2023, which has as its object the appeal for the unification of doctrine filed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation against the sentence dated April 27, 2020 issued by the Social Chamber of the TSJ of Madrid and clarified by the Order dated June 16, 2020. This sentence does not determine the instrument that regulates the law applicable to the contract international labor law and the institution of renvoi is  misinterpreted.


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How to Cite
Gluhaia, D. (2023). The law applicable to the limitation period of the action in the international employment contract. Commentary on the judgment of the Supreme Court, Social Chamber of January 4, 2023. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 15(2), 1220-1228.