Liberdades comunitárias e Direito Internacional Privado

  • Dário Moura Vicente
Keywords: conflict of laws, European Community, free movement of capitals, free movement of goods, free movement of persons, free movement of services, freedom of establishment, internal market, international contracts, legal pluralism, lex originis, mutual recognition, non-contractual obligations, principle of subsidiarity, private international law


The «unity in diversity» demanded by European integration requires a system of coordination of the laws of the Member-States which is compatible with the free movement of persons, goods, services and capitals within the European Community. In recent legislative acts of the Community, as well as in the case-law of the European Court of Justice, a trend can be noticed towards the adoption of rules concerning the law applicable to private international relationships exclusively connected with the European internal market or calling for a principle of mutual recognition in the regulation of those relationships. This papers aims at determining whether and in what measure this «Private International Law of the internal market», which seems to be on the rise, involves a change of paradigm, from the standpoint of the methods and solutions that it enshrines, when compared with the common conflict of laws rules.


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How to Cite
Moura Vicente, D. (2009). Liberdades comunitárias e Direito Internacional Privado. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 1(2), 179-220. Retrieved from