Portuguese Studium and Portuguese Scholars in the Middle Ages: Some Remarks on a Research Strand and its Databases

  • Hermenegildo Fernandes Universidade de Lisboa, Centro de História (CH-ULisboa)
  • Armando Norte Universidade de Lisboa, Centro de História (CH-ULisboa)
  • André de Oliveira Leitão Universidade de Lisboa, Centro de História (CH-ULisboa)
Keywords: Portugal, University, peregrination academica, Middle Ages and Early Modern Age, digital humanities


This paper aims to present an existing research strand at the Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa (CH-ULisboa), which is based on several resources related to digital humanities. This broader research strand has three main axes: the study of the University of Lisbon per se, the mobility of Portuguese scholars in the medieval and early modern periods, and the funding and management of the medieval Portuguese studium, which together can help generate a general picture of the history of the universityin Portugal. These three axes are based on different field of digital humanities, such as databases and GIS, which we intend to merge and make available online in the near future. Two of these databases (the Magistri Database and the Peregrinatio Database) are presented here as case studies to discuss different issues derived from the use of the prosopographical method, as well as to address several technical issues.


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How to Cite
Fernandes, H., Norte, A., & Oliveira Leitão, A. de. (2016). Portuguese Studium and Portuguese Scholars in the Middle Ages: Some Remarks on a Research Strand and its Databases. CIAN-Revista De Historia De Las Universidades, 19(1), 27-56. https://doi.org/10.20318/cian.2016.3142
Special Issue