To Establish a Mayorazgo of Councillors and Relevant Ministers‘. The Lordship of Biscay and the Project to Found a College in Salamanca (1638-c. 1660)

Keywords: History of universities, Law, lawyers, Lordship of Biscay, universities, University of Salamanca


In a time when law and jus­tice were at the foundation of the society, as it was in the 16th and 17th centuries, the pre­sence of magistrates coming from a land in the main courts of the Spanish Monarchy could provide a wide range of advantages to the ins­titutions of those territories and the people from them. To make easier for their ‘sons’ to achieved those posts, in 1638 a lawyer from Biscay made a proposition to the institutions of Biscay. He set out the foundation of a Colle­ge in Salamanca, that should be set up with the money of the people from Biscay stablished abroad. A proposition that drawn the atten­tion of the institutions of Biscay.


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How to Cite
Merino Malillos, I. (2019). To Establish a Mayorazgo of Councillors and Relevant Ministers‘. The Lordship of Biscay and the Project to Found a College in Salamanca (1638-c. 1660). CIAN-Revista De Historia De Las Universidades, 22(2), 127-152.