The modern liberty in digital society: data power will set you free

  • Vanesa Morente Parra Universidad Pontificia de Comillas ICADE
Keywords: liberty, personal determination, data and digital society


Contemporary society brings an immaterial life, in such a way that the citizen is digitized and learns to exchange information in a virtual network of planetary dimension. An inexhaustible world of information and communication opens up in front of us, however its price can be very high: our freedom. The theoretical model of “modern liberty” announced by Benjamin Constant, it`s used here like an analytical criteria of the digital liberty. Is modern liberty possible in digital society? Is it possible to understand the internet as a democratic society? Should we move towards another model of liberty? This article wants to answer these questions. 



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How to Cite
Morente Parra, V. (2021). The modern liberty in digital society: data power will set you free. DERECHOS Y LIBERTADES: Revista De Filosofía Del Derecho Y Derechos Humanos, (45), 199-231.