The defense of the Republic and the rights to the income of the soil and the existence in Thomas Paine and Maximilen Robespierre. Comparative analysis

  • María Luisa Soriano González Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Keywords: right to existence, republic, universal basic income


The work is a comparative analysis on two issues present in the writings of Tomas Paine and Maximilen Robespierre: the defense of the Republic and the recognition of the social rights. Both defend a representative republic but differ in the process of construction and the use of violence. Both also pursue
the suppression of poverty, but the right to income of Paine is universal and unconditional while the right to the existence of Robespierre does not refer to all persons but those who are poor and lack of work. As a result, Paine can be considered the forerunner of universal basic income and Robespierre a pioneering advocate of the conditional subsistence right.


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How to Cite
Soriano González, M. L. (2021). The defense of the Republic and the rights to the income of the soil and the existence in Thomas Paine and Maximilen Robespierre. Comparative analysis. DERECHOS Y LIBERTADES: Revista De Filosofía Del Derecho Y Derechos Humanos, (46), 115-144.