Current human rights problems

new paradigms in a context of global changes

Keywords: paradigm, systemic crisis, artificial intelligence, globalization, social justice, neoliberalism, democracy, human rights


The journal “Derechos y Libertades” invites us to provide our opinion on the challenges currently facing the discourse on human rights. The question posed leads us to consider the historical context of the very concept of human rights, which cannot be grounded solely on abstract reasoning but rather on
an evolving, diverse, and intercultural understanding of both humanity and society. Challenges to this concept have always existed and are multifaceted, yet perhaps now we find ourselves at a moment characterized by significant technological advancements and energy transitions. This situation calls for an
ethical, political, and juridical approach to address the emerging social conflicts resulting from their application.


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How to Cite
Fariñas Dulce, M. J. (2024). Current human rights problems: new paradigms in a context of global changes. DERECHOS Y LIBERTADES: Revista De Filosofía Del Derecho Y Derechos Humanos, (50), 49-55.
Monográfico “Los desafíos del discurso de los derechos”